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Coming Soon: New Book Launch! Stay Tuned

Youth Depression & Mental Health Champions
Health, including mental health, is wealth, and like wealth, it's not distributed equally. Mental health services are inaccessible for...

Transgracial Identity: What it Is (And What it Isn't)
I often speak of my own “transgracial” identity — which is the embodiment of transgender and transracial social constructions.

Philly Diversity Executive Resigns Amid Claims of Lying About Her Race
The Chief Equity, Inclusion, and Culture Officer at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC,) Raquel Evita Saraswati, resigned from...

Troubling News for Our Youth From the CDC
*Content warning: Assault, Sexual Violence, Depression* The CDC recently released data showcasing troubling trends among teen girls in...

The Idaho Murders and the Need for Authentic Identity
In December of 2022, the police apprehended Bryan Kohberger for the November 13th murder of four college students.

What's Up With America's Declining Public School Attendance?
Declining enrollment in public schools is becoming an ongoing trend and some are starting to panic. Several factors make this an important

It Starts Early: Let's Foster Representation
When you grow up seeing depictions of people who look like you running countries and flying spaceships, you feel like that is a possibility

This Is What Consensus Looks Like:
As the landscape continues to grow more and more concerning for our transgender youth in schools, there is a major victory for the movement

What is Cultural Competency? And What is Equity?
Cultural Competency doesn’t mean that you have to automatically understand the way other people feel.

5 Psychological Tricks that Will Boost Your Creativity
Creative thinking is a valuable life skill that helps you to look at problems from a new perspective and come up with innovative...

If You’re Looking to Level-Up Your Business’ DEI Standing, Let’s Connect:
Making sure that diversity is one of the highlights of your business is key to making all of your clients feel accepted.

Have you Checked out My Youtube Channel?
My name is Dr. Ronnie Gladden and I am a speaker, educator, actor, and author.
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